Are TV Commercials Making You Sick?

Cheryl A Major
5 min readMar 5, 2023
Are TV Commercials Making You Sick? —

Healthy TV commercials? The unfortunate reality is if you see it advertised on TV, chances are pretty darn good whatever they’re advertising is not truly good for you, and those TV commercials are making you sick.

Seriously, think about these three things and what you see on television: food, drugs, personal care products. Let’s talk about them one at a time and see what might or might not be good about them.


Food…what do we see advertised on TV that is healthy for us to eat? Can you think of one thing? When I think of food on TV, I am hard pressed to come up with anything other than fast food, junk food and the like. Sure, there are some eating establishments that are advertised where you could find something on the menu that has the potential to be healthy, but what do they use as ingredients. Buzz kill…you have no control over the oils and bad fats, the genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, the amount of added sugar and salt, etc. that they use to keep their costs low and their profit high at the expense of your good health.


What about the drug advertisers! I swear there are some channels that are owned by the pharmaceutical companies. It seems the shows that run old programs from the 50s, 60s and 70s are the worst for this. Do you think they’re hoping their…



Cheryl A Major
Cheryl A Major

Written by Cheryl A Major

Cheryl blogs about clean eating which has truly transformed her life A Realtor for 25+ years.

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